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Be superior to temptation

不受引诱The devil tempt christ, but it is christ who tempt the devil to tempt him.

魔鬼引诱了基督,但那是基督引诱了魔鬼去引诱他的。 The devil tempted Christ, but it was christ who tempted the devil to tempt him .

魔鬼引诱了基督,但那是基督引诱了魔鬼去引诱他的。 The serpent tempted Eve.

那蛇引诱夏娃。He was not interested in that materialist lure.

他对这种物质引诱不感兴趣。It was not money that lured the adolescent husbandman to the cities, but the gay life.

把那个青年农民引诱到城市。nest egg

留窝蛋(引诱母鸡继续把蛋生在窝中用);[喻]引诱物;储备金[物]Christ, man, with all your troubles, the idea of you eating out your heart because you've misled janice

基督啊,老弟,瞧你这么烦恼,你还以为自己引诱了杰妮丝而伤心透顶。It was not money that lured the adolescent husBandman to the cities, But the gay life.

把那个青年农民引诱到城市的东西不是金钱,而是那里的欢乐生活。Put temptation in sb's way


v. 劝诱;引诱;诱惑

n. 吸引力;诱惑力;魅力;诱饵

He was not interested in that materialist lure.

他对这种物质引诱不感兴趣。Gant succumbed to the lure of new land.

甘德也抵抗不住新地方的.吸引力。 This is an attempt to lure businesses into impoverished areas.

这是一次把企业吸引到贫困地区的尝试。And train them to our lure with subtle oath,

并用诡誓引诱她们上钩, Life in big cities is a lure for many country boys.
